recycled rotax driver

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recycled rotax driver

Post by craig »

I did some club races at the old Race City track years ago and was starting to get the itch to try out the Strathmore track.
I used to race Rotax max back then, it was the largest class and a ton of fun.
Some Questions;
- Is Rotax max still a class? or is there something new?
- how many drivers per race show up for club races?
- I am over 50yrs - what class would I drive in?
- Is John Kwong still crushing it?

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Re: recycled rotax driver

Post by phil »

Hi Craig,

-Yes Rotax is still a class. It is split into Rotax Senior, and Rotax Masters, with the masters being over 32 years old.
-The Senior class has been a bit light for the last couple years (4-8drivers), but is looking to see some growth this coming season, with some juniors moving up. Masters is typically around 12-15 if I remember right.
- Depending on your weight, the Masters class would be the logical fit. The class weight is 395 with driver.
- Yes, John is still doing very well.


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Re: recycled rotax driver

Post by craig »

Thanks for your response Phil.
Back in the day we used to have so many Rotax guys out the grid was too small - over 32drivers one day!

what is the class with the largest amount of drivers?

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Re: recycled rotax driver

Post by Jackmazury »

That probably would have been prior to masters being split off from the senior grid. The Briggs LO206 classes have really grown over the past years solely because of the close competition, ease of maintainence and relatively low cost compared to other classes. On any given day most of the classes in our club could have the single largest amount of entries. Some days it will be rotax masters, some it will be LO206 light or LO206 heavy, as well some days shifter can have the single largest turnout. It all varies from race day to race day. The rotax is still a solid engine package and will have a place in the club for years to come. Your probably looking at masters in order to maximize your fun in racing. John still shows everyone how it’s done. Come out to the club meeting on the 7th of November for a refresher maybe.

Look forward to hopefully seeing you at the track,

Shifter #30

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Re: recycled rotax driver

Post by John Kwong »

Thanks guys! You made my day.

Hi Craig,

You will really enjoy the new track. It is much more challenging than Varsity was. The club is much larger now too. We were able to break club race attendance records 3 times in a row this year with total entries around 80. If you have kids that are interested too, we have a Kid Kart program for 5-7 year olds. All the classes have good participation numbers.

Now that all the Rotax EVO development changes are done, the motor package is very good with great equality, almost no jet changes needed and great longevity. The Vega tires that we have been using for the last couple years have great grip and last about 3-4 racedays or about 100 laps.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

John K
John Kwong___CIR Realty___403-714-5583

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Re: recycled rotax driver

Post by craig »

A little bird told me that shifter has dramatically increased in participation and may be worth looking at.
Wasn't there a rule that you couldn't start in the shifter class.. you had to work your way up?

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Re: recycled rotax driver

Post by Jackmazury »

The participation is quite strong in shifter now a days, and the class has seen large growth recently. There is no rule about starting in it and most, of not all of us drivers in the class are fine with anyone being out there on a race day as long as they aren’t a hazard and creating a potentially dangerous situation.

Shifter #30

Class Representative

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