VLR Class Rep - 2023

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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by phil »

One thought I had on the splitting of the classes, was whichever class pairing - Rotax, Briggs, or VLR has the lowest combined number, could be the group that combines for the day. That would keep the race day flow intact, and encourage all classes to promote growth. At current levels that would still leave it as it is, but if there is more growth, it may be an easy short term resolution. Last season, there was one race day where Rotax only had 16 entries, but VLR only had 10 that day. In '21 VLR had a combined average of 7 entries, Rotax 24.2, in '22 it was 14.2 VLR, and 21.6 for Rotax, with the split on VLR being 6.2 senior/ 8.0 Masters, and in Rotax 11.9 Senior, and 9.7 Masters. There are also the questions of Junior VLR if it ever takes hold, as well as a possible return of Mini-max. Another thing to note, is the fact that the shifter class is running with both Senior, and Master, and have had grids of at least 20, so there could also be a time when they decide they want to be separate as well. I am definitely not speaking anything more than my personal opinion on any of this, and only for discussion. I believe we will be fielding at least one, or two VLR's this season, but most likely only on a part time basis.

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John Kwong
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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by John Kwong »

The combining of classes has had a long history at CKRC and was due to time constraints and just plain practicality as it is kind of a waste of time to have only 2 or 3 karts on the track for a race. When Rotax was introduced there were only about 5 of them. At the time(2001) 100cc direct drive was of similar speed and the big senior class. Within a year and when we hosted the 2002 Canadian Nationals, RotaxMax Senior exploded in popularity and became the defacto Senior class to race in with 20ish entries regularly. Numbers got big enough locally to score Seniors separate from Masters but they ran together. It wasn't until about 2010 that a separate Rotax Masters class was able to run on the track on their own and their numbers increased from there. Only in the last couple years have the Rotax Masters numbers become smaller.

Rotax Mini Max used to be combined with Rotax Junior when they ran on a full size chassis but since Rotax switched them to a cadet sized chassis they were not able to be combined with Rotax Junior. VLR Junior runs on a full sized chassis and has already been combined with Rotax Junior.

Currently, CKRC does not have a policy for when a class can break out and run on it's own. Not since the introduction of the Rotax in 2001 and more recently VLR has there been any new class introductions or a class to run on it's own. Initially, VLR ran with Rotax Senior or Masters, whichever had lower numbers on the day.
John Kwong___CIR Realty___403-714-5583

Jen and Don
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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by Jen and Don »

As we keep growing I can see we may need to have all our race weekends being a double header and not all classes running both of the days just to be able to fit everyone in. It's not a big difference than the odd weekend when we would only run one race day other than the fact that there will be more of a demand on volunteers for the extra race dates. Not only that, if all the different classes grow, so too will the demand for practice time (T and T ). Two days a week may not cut it anymore as I have heard from many that on busy Thursday nights, that due to the volume showing up, they are lucky to get in a session or two at best especially if they are trying to get changes to set up sorted. It's again , growing pains that are new to us as I feel that we haven't seen these membership numbers before.

I dare to suggest, that in order to serve our kart membership better, the bike club might have to realize that they will maybe suffer less track time? I know that's lost revenue but maybe with our increased membership, it will possibly offset some of this? It certainly puts a lot of stress on volunteers to keep race days going especially if those days increase throughout the summer.

Regards, Don

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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by dvelpel »

getting fairly close to season start, just curious if there is any traction of class items...

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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by dvelpel »

Was checking out the sups from last year, if we the plan is to continue with splitting by class, we may want to have this updated.

page 14
When two or more non shifter classes are on the track at the same time there shall be no gap between the grids
when the karts are approaching the starter for a rolling start (subject to modification by the steward or Race
Director at the driver’s meeting). Karts will normally be gridded according to qualifying time or integrated pea pick
and NOT by class).

Combined Grids: Note that combination of classes will be decided at normal close of registration. Late entries may
not be able to run in more than one class, unless prior arrangements are made. By vote of the membership classes
are not to be combined into one grid unless under exceptional circumstances.

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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by Mark »

The reality of the matter is that despite what we may want, or the rules (average of 6 karts....) say, we simply cannot afford to add an extra grid to the race day -unless perhaps another (declining) class can combine to make space. Otherwise, the only option (previously mentioned) is to not run all classes on the same day, with all the complexities that brings.

First world problems
Mark Hillier #44 VLR Senior, Shifter

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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by dvelpel »

Hey Mark, not to sure if that in response to my above post or the general class split topic..

The above post was just to identify that with the sup rules it actually calls out that combining class starts should be arranged by time and not class. We choose to make this change to class with Fred agreeing in a single drivers meeting. What I would suggest to remove the grey space is to have this addressed as a fixed statement in the sups, or we have to ensure that its mentioned each time.

in regards to the bigger topic of class splits. my main point is really to understand the reality or path of splitting the class if/as it grows. either there is set criteria that needs to be meet or the answer of it will never happen due to X. my concern or issue is up until now is the reason has been there is not enough time in the day to run another VLR class, but is there enough time in the day to run another engine class? if we have to combine based on numbers do other classes have to? shouldn't each class be treated by the same rules in regards to this topic? if time is truly the constraint and we cannot grow the schedule, then are there opportunities to improve the schedule to allow more classes such as moving trophy's to end of race rather then hours after the races?

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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by JeremyK »

Good evening all,

My daughter Savanah(not a rookie) will be racing the VLR 100 senior class this year. We are from Sherwood Park( don’t hate) hahaha. We will make most races.
What are the tire rules going to be? Any other info you can pass on will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and we are looking forward to racing with you all this year

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John Kwong
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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by John Kwong »

The VLR Class uses LeVanto tires for dry and the club has an open brand rain tire policy. No limit on how many tire sets to use. The LeVanto is a long wearing tire and you should be able to get 2-3 raceways out of a set.

John K
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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Post by Cyruspischke »

Hey Jeremy! Like John mentioned, there are no tire limits in this class, though most people go 3 or 4 race days on a set no problem, sometimes more. The other thing is that unlike at COTA we use the spec pump fuel and the oil choice is open, just make sure to use an oil made for air cooled engines and mix it a little bit richer than you would with race fuel (I go 4.5-5%). I think there's a topic in the VLR forum about oil choice, most are using the Motul option.

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