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Don't wait ... Race #8

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:55 pm
by nils joergensen
Shifter/DD2 drivers,

There are 4 of us registered for Race #8 (largest registration list yet).

We are well into the second half of our racing season so if you want to enjoy racing your machine on this track before it closes now is a good time to enter.

We already know from past experience that waiting for a larger entry list before you commit just keeps you waiting. Too many drivers are waiting for others to commit! Don't wait ... MAKE something happen! Others will follow.

If you're new don't worry ... we happily welcome you to join our races. You'll learn things in a race, and from talking to others between races, that you won't by just practicing on your own.

Don't wait, REGISTER!

Re: Don't wait ... Race #8

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:49 pm
by John Kwong
I have a kart to race this Sunday and was able to shake it down this evening. So that makes five. I believe Iain McLeod will be joining us as well.

John K