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Re: proposed 2018 weight rules

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:47 am
by Casper6688
stumbled upon this thread and found some interesting reading . The shifter masters class .. was that ever discussed further ? Marcos and myself and probably a few others have grand notions of giving the shifter class a whirl . I'm running low on good years to start new things but this is one that I would like to try . Not expecting to be anywhere near the front but it's always fun to be racing someone regardless if your front of the pack - middle or back . Not that we or anyone needs a specific class catered to our level , but ,if say there was a masters class that ran at the current weights +10 lbs and started at the back of the grid would that make any sense ? I'm sure "we" could bring in our own sponsor(s) to kick in a few prizes. Anyway , interested to hear your thoughts . In my head I'm thinking what is going to be Fred's response .
Fred ... we don't need any new classes
Me ... consider this a sub-class
Fred ... you guys wan't to bring your rotax/briggs masters shenanigans to another class ?
Me ... we be so far back that it's like running 2 simultaneous races .. no issues
Fred ... like Hell I'm going to push start your fat ass when you stall on the grid
Me ... electric start got that covered
Fred ... podium ceremonies already take a long time
Me ... no podium ceremonies required
Fred .. so why bother with a separate class
Me .. because why not .. maybe get more members who race on Sundays instead of just T&T nights

I welcome all thoughts & comments

Re: proposed 2018 weight rules

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:10 pm
by Jackmazury
Hey Mike,

I'll do my best to answer this. Masters was never really discussed in the first place to my recollection. Firstly, 10 pounds makes a non-noticeable difference for most people in this class, myself included. This is due to both the physicality as well as the constant errors that are almost inherent to driving Shifter karts. Secondly, the class size simply isn't large enough to consistently have a division, as majority of the masters eligible would want to run as Seniors. Think Joey, Jake, John, Ryan, etcetera, all of whom seem to enjoy mixing it up with the children on as equal terms as possible (although after last weekend maybe Jake should get an extra 10 pounds put on). Lastly, the primary reason you see the Masters class somewhere like nationals is due to there being 25-30 karts, but also the fact that the Senior weight is 370-385 typically for KZ or Rok. Our weights are already quite bloated at a local level compared to this and are on par with the Masters at such races.

I think the argument on class divisions is pretty null as of recent with the precedent in the past few years being that if you want a division you can make one with just a select few drivers.

The main thing I would point to on this topic is assessing whether there are more masters who would join if there was a division aside from yourself and Marcos as you mentioned. As well, seeing if current drivers in the class would rather run as Masters. Historically this answer has always been no aside from 1-2 people who really wanted a plastic trophy at the end of the day, but times can change.

As a sub note, the ROK prizes have a Masters prize and Senior prize which is determined by age solely at 32+.

Thanks for bringing this up, all valid points. Feel free to reach out if you would like to discuss it further!


Re: proposed 2018 weight rules

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:59 am
by Casper6688
Thanks for your input Jack , all valid points . I just like to throw stuff against the wall and see if something sticks .