Try A Kart

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Jen and Don
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Try A Kart

Post by Jen and Don »

It's fun!!

It's a sport that not many get to try normally, unless you want to compare it to the little oval's that have karts that are governed for speed. It's a day out for the family. Some of the families may be split parenting and this is "their" time with their child. It's pretty much a good part of the day when their child is not staring at their little screen and texting. It's a break from all the crap we hear and see on the news. It's out in the fresh air, and for most of the ones I've helped at, sunny and warm. We are not just helping the club. it will indeed do that but for those that may never become a member, it is a day that they will talk about for months. I have never seen anyone leave with a sad face. Well, a few, but that is only because the parents had to tell their kid that their time at the track was over. I have seen the parents actually become a nuisance because they can't get close enough to the track or their kid sitting in the kart so they can get a better picture. That to me isn't irritating, it's refreshing.
How many of these kids will have the best story to tell their buddies the following Monday morning at school. Same for the parent's when at work the next day.

I have seen not just the kids leave here glowing. When you see a group of adults talking and cheering and swapping stories of who spun off, who passed who, all while they are walking to their vehicles after they have finished their session, that too is refreshing.

Let's keep this part of the club vibrant. Let's all remember how much we love karting and how so many of us got our start in it. Volunteering at these event's will indeed go towards your RVF hours, but I guarantee, spending a day making others fall in love with the sport, it won't feel like a chore at the end of the day.

My wife and I still talk about the day Carter did Try a Kart, and Jack Mazery was his lead/ follow. Jack was very patient and very respectful and Carter looked up to him so much. And to see Carter three years later lining up with Jack on the starting grid of a shifter race, well like in a Visa Card commercial, PRICELESS.

Bottom line. Money is well spent on this project. Phil and many others built this project up with hard work and dedication and I truely think it has gone way beyond just a money maker.

Our thoughts anyway, Don and family

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Re: Try A Kart

Post by Jackmazury »

Nice piece Don.

It’s great to read about the impact Try-a-Kart has had on your family, and surely many others. I agree that this is key component of fuelling the clubs growth into the future, and hopefully people can have similar experiences to the ones yourself and I share of making it happen through volunteering.

I am glad I was able to help get Carter going, always nice to read such things. I look forward to racing with him more this coming season.


Shifter #30

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Jen and Don
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Re: Try A Kart

Post by Jen and Don »

Thanks for your thoughts Jack.
I think a lot of members who never got their start this way need to realize the impact these events have on the many that aren't familiar with the sport. You, especially, and the other volunteers that day played a huge role in making us feel comfortable enough to want to jump in with both feet.
Try a Kart in August, and bing, bang, boom, we were down in Joey's shop before December buying Carter his Intrepid Briggs for a Christmas present.

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Re: Try A Kart

Post by phil »

Thanks for the post Don. It should be mandatory reading. This sums up how I felt for years. Thank You for your years of dedication in helping out. I am certain I would not have lasted as long as I did without you there!


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