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Work Party August 30 & 31

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:48 pm
by John Kwong
Work party this weekend - Saturday and Sunday. From 9am on.

Activities will include: tire sorting, stacking and bundling, fence building and reinforcement. We will have two shrink wrap torches going simultaneously for two crews.

Tire gathering can be done anytime. Beg or borrow trailers or trucks. We need more tires. Almost any tire or car dealership will give these to you without hassle. My 6x12 trailer was able to carry close to 40 tires.

The more we get done now means we get to be on track sooner. Asphalt will start to go down September 5th!!!

Please RSVP so we can allocate manpower. Thank you.


John Kwong

Re: Work Party August 30 & 31

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:16 pm
by yamaha24
Is there any time during the week that
could be of any help, aft or evenings,
mon to fri ?

Have lots free time during
the week.

This time of year, the weekends are
kind of busy with family, end of summer,

Re: Work Party August 30 & 31

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:37 pm
by Maxxxi
I should be able to help with tire sorting/wrapping this weekend.

Re: Work Party August 30 & 31

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:01 am
by phil
Alan & I loaded my big trailer with tires last night, & Joey & Alan will be loading my small trailer today. If all goes well I am going to try to run the big trailer out on thursday evening, & reload it on Friday. If this will work, I could likely use a hand thursday evening to unload. I will also be there for wrapping on saturday & possibly Sunday.


Re: Work Party August 30 & 31

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:12 pm
by John Kwong
During the week, work party activities are limited to tire gathering and delivering to the track. We cannot do any other activities until the large machinery is finished with the track surface. Members and interested volunteers are encouraged to seek and transport used tires to the facility.

John K

Re: Work Party August 30 & 31

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:07 pm
by John Kwong
Tire shrink wrap did not get delivered to the shop we bought it from, so tire shrink wrapping work will be delayed until next week.

Tire gathering will continue though for those with the means and motivation.

John K