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Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 12:41 pm
by JeremyK

Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 5:05 pm
by rob_slv
Hi guys,

My apologies for not reviewing the threads since January as I have been traveling quite a bit for work. If you guys want to have a vote for class rep have at it and schedule a call to discuss as it make no difference to me.

In regards to changes to the Supplemental Regs, we should really see what happens at the club meeting tonight as I have heard that between the new Race Director and Fred there have been a few changes from ASN. I'm not sure if Bryan (I think that's the new RD name) and Fred are collaborating on the Supplement Regs but it would be worthwhile to have the discussion tonight.

As for tires sets I believe 4 sets are more than enough excluding N49. Also, it would be good to understand what is going on with Tech Inspection, as I was with Azam the other day and he is not coming back nor has the Executive even asked what they could do to have him come back.

Looking forward to the race season this year.

Re: VLR Class Rep - 2023

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:54 pm
by Mark

Just a general comment on the logistics of splitting VLR into 2 separate grids.
dvelpel wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:04 am Hey Mark, not to sure if that in response to my above post or the general class split topic..

The above post was just to identify that with the sup rules it actually calls out that combining class starts should be arranged by time and not class. We choose to make this change to class with Fred agreeing in a single drivers meeting. What I would suggest to remove the grey space is to have this addressed as a fixed statement in the sups, or we have to ensure that its mentioned each time.