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T&T procedures

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:41 pm
by conedoctor
So race day is covered but what about evening T&T's

What do you do once you show up, who do you check in with, what forms are needed...

I am asking some really basic stuff because I need the hand holding for now so I don't look like a tool.

Re: T&T procedures

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:01 pm
by DaveC
T&T is pretty straight forward ... show up, find the T&T supervisor and introduce yourself, he/she will point you to the waiver, you and yours sign the waiver, you get ready (kart on grid with others of age group) and when the supervisor says to go, you go (assume you are a member).

Juniors (by class, not by age) go together and senior classes all go together at the same time ... unless there are more than 10 and then the super will split them up. Each run should be about 10 minutes, and then the next group goes.

There used to be a T&T supervisors manual on the site that was quite informative about all the rules. I just can't find it right now. It's best to be ready as you would be for race day (safety check your equipment and have all drivers gear). No fueling in the grid area either.

I'm sure there's more but others will chime in I'm sure. And I'm sure we all looked like a tool the first time. :lol:

Re: T&T procedures

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:35 pm
by samk
Here is a direct link to the practice supervisors course manual: ... 167%20.pdf

It is normally located under the rules and regulations from the home page.