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Quiet pits

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:41 am
by Fred
It was brought to my attention after last weekends race that the quiet pit rule was being broken by a few people and some were senior members. This regulation is in place as not only a club rule but a ASN rule as well as a CIK rule. Members are reminded that if they have a VALID reason for needing to run an engine during quiet pit time they can request through the Race Director for this and then take their kart to the rear of the pre grid and fire it up. As soon as it fires up you may run it for 10 seconds then it is to be shut down.
Members caught running in the pits under quiet pit regulations will be penalized which will most likely result in exclusion from a practice heat or have been warned.

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:36 am
by phil
Fred, could you give an explanation of when quiet pits start on race day, as I know there were a lot of people who didn't seem to know.


Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:00 am
by Mark
Yep, that was me. I had to clean my carb after the winter. Ran for less than a minute.

The days of people endlessly revving karts to warm them on the stand are long gone. We don't have a problem with noise in the pits so the whole 'quiet pit' nonsense is just that -nonsense. Taking a kart to the grid where EVERYONE can hear it is just a silly way of making allowances for a silly regulation.

Let's focus on putting our resources where we actually have issues, shall we ?

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:32 am
by phil
In 2013 Quiet pit regulations will be in force after morning warm up. If a Technical confidence run is required after maintenance only and under the orders of the Steward/Race Director/Tech Inspector, the Kart is to be placed in the far NE corner of pre-grid where it may be started. Once the motor fires up it is to be immediately switched off. Changing a jet does not constitute a reason for a confidence check start.

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:05 pm
by Fred
It is a very necessary regulation on many counts. The old guard days have gone and karting for the better is here to stay. Apart from unnessary noise polution, poisoning your neighbours with exhaust smoke as well as the danger of people walking into rotating parts their actually is no need for it to be done. Remember the pits are open to the public and we don't want to ruin their health on unnessasary actions. Races all around the globe are a nicer place to be at since the quiet pit rule has come in although we don't stick to it strictly as everyone else because nowhere else are you even allowed to run them in the pit during practice. All circuits now (this will include WCC ) will not allow you to run at all and karts must be presented to pre grid (ambient temperature) cold or you will face exclusion ... be warned.
Glad you admitted to it Mark ... you were not the only one though.

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:10 pm
by samk
Thank you for this thread. I have not fully understood the quiet pit rule until now. I also know why it is in place too. It all makes really good sense.

Thanks again!

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:52 pm
by Mark
Nonsense. The pits have always been open to the public and I've never heard of anyone being injured because a kart was run for a few seconds. In a race I constantly breathe the fumes of any kart ahead; in the enduro I do so for 90mins straight.

This is Motorsport and Motorsport uses motors and they must run to be useful.

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 6:49 am
by Fred
Mark It is not nonsense and you choose to do this so you take the risks although they are limited . I am sure you would be the first to complain if I was to constantly rev a rotax right by you and fill your ears with noise and your lungs with smoke. As I said old school is out for good move on and adapt and embrace and you will find it very pleasant and if you need to clear a carb either do it at home and poison your wife and kids or ask permission and if warranted clear it in the controlled area. I heard you were just lubing a chain from many witnesses around you.! Any way first race of the year and education is better than punishment but the regulation stands so no more leniency like it or not (and the majority do) its a regulation just the same as any other that has to be adheared to or be subjected to penalty.

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 8:41 am
by Mark
I love it.

So you are telling me that all of a sudden, a few moments of exhaust are poisonous !? Best have a pint; you're starting to sound like ASN !

There is no need to be threatening; I understand the whole concept of regulation and penalty and since I now run the 4-stroke, I don't see this being an issue. However, we're I still in Rotax it would be a major issue as I learned long ago that going to the grid after a jet change without firing the engine first can see you sitting on the grid, cranking away as the rest of the field tries to navigate around you.

Just to be clear, I have no issue with regulations -at leat not ones that are needed. We are regulated to death these days and now ASN are regulating our sport to deat as well. There was no problem at hand but yet we now have another regulation to contend with. Where does it end ?

Re: Quiet pits

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 9:05 am
by Fred
It ends with ASN being our insurer and them mandating that as part of us being an associate member and being insured by them we have to adopt their regulations and that is one of their requirements bevause of insurance issues. Your argument of having to fire up a Rotax after a jet change carb change etc is 10 years out of date .. I have never have a motor not run or have had a non start from purely changing a carb or jet, you just have to chase the gas through again. As I said in Gatorz , FWT, PANAM and WCC you are not allowed to fire them up period until the one minute sign on pre grid. I am not trying to sound threatening just want to inform you and others of this regulation and since most of the complaints came from new members seeing a old member violating the regulations you are not setting a good example to them.