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Dialling in our kart

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:18 pm
by CraigJ
So after this weekend myles and I a trying to figure out some things on his kart. I think one of his biggest issues is his starts and that first corner. I don’t feel like he is accelerating as fast as he should be but once he gets momentum his lap time starts to decrease... I was hoping to try a different gear set on his kart to try and give him a little more power out of the corners...

Right now the Kart has what I would call the standard gearset from Joey... it’s 57 on the axel I think and I can’t remember what is on the motor.... what would you guys recommend I try... I don’t want to sacrifice too much of his top end but Myles is weighing in close to 10 lbs over weight... for those little engines that’s a lot....

Any help would be welcome.

Re: Dialling in our kart

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 10:58 pm
by pauldeadman

Gear change really won’t make that much of a difference if he’s not going 100%.

With the Briggs engine it’s all about smooth corners and carrying the speed all the way around the track. Seat time and lots of practice is the best thing. Get out to the T&T nights and ask for a lead follow session with some of the drivers to get his lines and confidence up. If you are going to change then go to 58 for more drive from the corners but if he’s letting off the gas on the straight and losing momentum then the change really won’t do anything to help. Line and confidence is where the speed is.

If we ever find time to practice and see you at the track we’d gladly help out as would many others.

Private coaching from some of the older drivers is also an option for you.


Re: Dialling in our kart

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 9:12 am
by phil
Hi Craig,

I think at 10 over, he should be ok on the standard gearing, but one tooth wouldn't hurt. The track is actually more uphill than down going this direction, so if anything I would lean towards going bigger for more pull out of the inside hairpin, but not more than one tooth. The problem as a J1 parent is that we always want to change the kart to make our kids faster, but quite often, just end up not giving them anything consistent to focus on their driving. Once his lap times stabilize, say to where the main cluster is within a couple tenths, then you can start introducing changes (one at a time), and be able to gauge the difference. Seat time will make more difference than anything else, unless the kart has some serious issues. The confidence on the start can take a bit of time, and even more in this direction. He has to get comfortable (and trust) the people around him. Offer support, and patience, and it will all gradually come together. Alan was in his third full season when it really clicked for him, and he went from mid-pack to the front (at 10-15 lbs heavy). And most importantly - remember to have FUN.


Re: Dialling in our kart

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:43 am
by CraigJ
Thanks for the replies

First off.. we are having SOOOOOO much fun... I do realize what you guys are telling me and i do understand the importance of seat time and just getting his lap times down... we currently have no delusions of grandeur... were not thinking were gonna put ourselves on the podium anytime soon lol... i just see Myles starts and thats whats seems to be killing him... right off the hop he is giving up his spot he earns in qualifying..... i just feel like a little bit of pick up when he hits the gas off the start or out of the deep corners will just help him... i see these places where the kart he goes through with pulls a head of him after the corners an then he spends the next half a lap closing that gap.

We are working on Small goals... our first goal is always trying to shave off time off our laps.... in a race though our goal is trying to not finish last... i feel like that's a healthy place to start... to give you an idea on Saturday out of a field of 7 he went to semi finals in 5th based on his overall lap time... so with the back three (Which is who were competing with in our minds really) his lap time is within less then a second... he is having a blast and i think his competitive spirit is healthy.. i think these a reasonable goals... trust me he sees Celkin and knows he has a LONG way to go before that.... but like you guys are saying... we gotta start somewhere....

I also don't want to over modify the kart... i agree too many changes to quickly would probably have a negative effect... i just want to give him just a little more power at the start so that he doesn't spend the next three laps chasing....

Re: Dialling in our kart

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:01 pm
by phil
From someone who has watched his competition pull away from him on the exit of corners (mostly infield hairpin), I can tell you, it is likely not the gearing, but more likely them getting a better run exiting the corner. My problem has always been trying to go into the corner too fast, and get on the throttle too early. If you are too early on the throttle, it plants the rear wheels, and forces the front to plow, at which time you usually apply more turning of the steering, which scrubs off more speed again, and you watch the kart in front of you pull away.
