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Summer Camp 2013

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:34 pm
by samk
To all the junior parents:

I thought that last year's summer camp was a huge success and would like to know what everyone else thought about it as well.

If you could take a few minutes to tell me what you liked about it and what could be improved for next year, we can start working on it now, rather than it being last minute "ad-hoc". I would also like to know if you plan on attending so that we can get some early numbers together.

It would also be interesting to hear what the benefits to your driver(s) were.

You can post them here or email me through the web-site.


Re: Summer Camp 2013

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:42 pm
by phil
If we are available, we will be there in some form. I know Alan had a great time last summer, & would definately be there, whether coaching, or testing, & I think Graham realized fairly soon after that something changed - his competitors who attended got a lot faster, so I think he would go as well. I would aslo attend if possible, & can help with kart set-up & coaching.
