Kid Kart
Kid Kart is a safe, non-competitive introduction to karting for kids aged 5-11 years. This is a volunteer-driven program that relies on parental assistance for success.
The program provides an environment where kids can learn to operate and control a kart, understand the racing line, with an emphasis on kart control. Although no wheel-to-wheel racing takes place, open lapping sessions teach concepts such as braking points, lines, handling, and driving with other karts.
There are 2 classes of kid karters. Bambino Kid Kart & Formula Kid Kart ( Formula KK ).
Detailed Kid Kart Operations and Rules Document – link
For children aged 5 to 7 years old.
Chassis: Righetti bambino or comparable chassis with a Honda GX35 or GX35 clone 4-stroke engine. Plastic bumpers are mandatory.
Gearing, tires, and brakes are open to promote controlled progression.
For children aged 6 to 7 with at least 1 year of Kid Kart experience and demonstrated skill. Also open to children aged 8 to 11 with no previous experience.
Chassis: Homologated cadet/mini spec chassis with a Briggs L0206 engine, restricted with a purple carburetor slide.
Tires: Mojo D2.
New drivers must use the long black carburetor slide for the first 3 evenings and mark their helmet and number plate with a contrasting X.
Monday Nights are regular Kid Kart / Formula Kid Kart (FKK) Nights
2025 Dates – Coming Soon
2024 Dates
May 6, 13, 20, 27
June 3, 10, 17, 24
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
August 5, 12, 19, 26
September 2, 9, 16, 23
Monday Schedule: ~4:00pm to 8:00pm | Weather permitting
Check-in before going out on the track.
4:00pm – 8:00pm | Free lapping with alternating 10-minute run groups.
8:00pm | Close gates, clean up, shut down facility.
Wednesday Nights are Kid Kart Try A Kart Nights (Rental Nights)
2025 Dates – Coming Soon
2024 Dates
May 15
June 5
July 10
August 14
September 4
Once a month, starting in May.
Wednesday Schedule: ~4:00pm to 8:00pm | Weather permitting
4:00pm – 6:00pm | Free lapping with alternating 10-minute run groups.
4:15pm | Try A Kid Kart participants arrive, check-in, suit up, and receive basic kart driving instruction.
5:30pm | First session for Try A Kid Kart participants.
6:30pm – 8:00pm | Free lapping with alternating 10-minute run groups.
8:00pm | Close gates, clean up, shut down facility.
To reserve a spot for Kid Kart Try A Kart on Wednesdays, click the button below to sign up, or drop a note to the CKRC Kid Kart Coordinator.
Kid Kart / Formula KK parents will set up Try-A-Kart karts and gear.
> Bring karts out of the building
> Check tire pressures & fuel karts
> Assign kids to properly fitting safety gear and karts
> Review kart operation
> Assist kids on track
> Put away karts and gear at the end of the night.
Calgary Kart Racing Club
PO Box 44025
Calgary RPO Southcentre, AB T2J 7C5
Calgary Kart Racing Club
Strathmore Motorsports Park
1200 - RR250
Strathmore, AB
Conducting business of any kind on CKRC property, including from trailers or pit spaces, is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the CKRC Board on an annual basis.
We are a Racing Club with owner drivers … we are not a rental facility. We do not rent karts. We do not host birthday parties.