Location: 1200 RR250 SE.PT.SE.1/4 12-24-25 W4M Strathmore Alberta www.ckrc.com 


Races 10 & 11, September 14 & 15, 2024

2024 CKRC Championship Series

Registration will close on Thursday, September 12th, at 10:00 pm sharp. Late entries may incur an additional fee.

All Racers and Mechanics must sign the 2024 Club Waiver.
Drivers under 18 require a Minor Waiver signed by the minor and their guardian.

7:00 am: Gates Open

7:45 am: Sign in opens. Anyone entering Zone B must have a wristband - everyone must pick up their own wristband.

8:00 am: First 2 run groups of the day present Karts and Race Clothing to Tech for Pre-Race Safety checks at the Tech Area.                   Other groups to present Karts and Race Clothing in group order (called by PA).

8:20 am: Drivers briefing -- Mandatory for All Drivers (See Regulation 10.2 CKRC Supplementary Regulations)

8:40 am: Marshal’s, Grid Marshal’s & Medic’s briefing by Race Director

8:50 am: The first group of the day grids for practice

9:00 am: Race Director opens track for practice


The Event:

There will be Un-Timed Practice (5 min), Qualifying (6 min), Pre-Final (10 laps), and Final (12 laps)


Event Organizer: Calgary Kart Racing Club


The Race Track: Strathmore Motorsports Park

The track is 1.22 km long with 14 turns

The Start and Finish line is on the Main Straight

This Event is utilizing the circuit in the Counterclockwise direction

Race distances for Shifter, VLR, Briggs & Stratton Master and Rotax Masters will be 6 Laps Heat*, 10 Laps Pre-Final*, 12 Laps Final* *(May be reduced at the discretion of the Steward or Race Director)


Position Officials:

Steward: 2 Executive and 1 Club Member (Or a combination of membership)

Race Director: Bryan Marshall

Starter: Caroline

Timing and Scoring: Lisa, Jill

Technical Director: Chris

Technical Delegate: Dave

Grid Marshall: Friends of CKRC

Scale Official: Friends of CKRC

Corner Marshals: Friends of CKRC

Medical: Bob Ross / Carl Ross



The series will adhere to the 2024 ASN Canada FIA Canadian Karting Regulations Book 1 Sporting Regulations and Book 2 Technical Regulations, Rotax Max Challenge Canada Regulations, CKRC Supplemental Regulations, and these Event Supplementary Regulations.

The precedence of regulations shall be in the following order:

ASN Sporting and Technical Regulations

RMC Sporting and Technical Regulations

CKRC Supplemental Regulations

Club or Series Bulletins

These Event Supplementary Regulations

Instructions from Approved Officials


Group Running Order:

The running order will be as indicated on the Running Order pages following.


Lunch will commence at 12:00 pm and will start at the closest time to any race finish around that time. This may mean that we will begin the pre-finals of some classes before the lunch break. 2:45 pm: We will have a 10 minute break for volunteers. 

Senior Open:

Participants will compete within the class that matches either horsepower, speed, or engine cycle. Points will be awarded based on respective finishing places per group.

Trophy Presentation:

This will occur at the end of the day, 15 minutes after the posting of the last race results, and after any protests or judicial matters have been addressed.


Club Race Day Gas Station: CO-OP in Strathmore AB.

Member # – 1050782  Calgary Co-op Edgefield Gas Station - Google Maps

Race 10 (2024) Running Order

1. Brigg & Stratton Master ROK format

2. Senior Rotax

 3. Rotax Masters ROK format

 4. Briggs & Stratton Senior 

5. Briggs & Stratton Cadet 

6. Senior / Masters VLR ROK format

7. Junior Rotax 

8. Shifter  ROK format

9. Briggs & Stratton Junior


Race 11 (2024) Running Order

1. Briggs & Stratton Junior

2. Brigg & Stratton Master ROK format

3. Senior Rotax

 4. Rotax Masters ROK format

 5. Briggs & Stratton Senior 

6. Briggs & Stratton Cadet 

7. Senior / Masters VLR ROK format

8. Junior Rotax 

9. Shifter  ROK format


If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Bryan via email or call/text him at 587-580-7803.
We're looking forward to seeing you at the track!

Best regards, Calgary Kart Racing Club (CKRC) Team

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