CKRC Test and Tunes begin TONIGHT. If you are not a paid CKRC annual member please register on MotorsportsReg prior to getting to the track!
Pre grid gates open at 3:30 PM and close at 9:00 PM.
CKRC Test and Tunes begin TONIGHT. If you are not a paid CKRC annual member please register on MotorsportsReg prior to getting to the track!
Pre grid gates open at 3:30 PM and close at 9:00 PM.
Calgary Kart Racing Club
PO Box 44025
Calgary RPO Southcentre, AB T2J 7C5
Calgary Kart Racing Club
Strathmore Motorsports Park
1200 - RR250
Strathmore, AB
Conducting business of any kind on CKRC property, including from trailers or pit spaces, is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the CKRC Board on an annual basis.
We are a Racing Club with owner drivers … we are not a rental facility. We do not rent karts. We do not host birthday parties.